Fresh Start!

Holy groundhog! The past few months have gone by really quickly as a whole, but the days dragged on. I regret not posting anything for so long!

2018 has been crazy for me so far! I am 6 months pregnant today! We are expecting a baby girl in late July and I have been reading as much as I can to prepare for that (I will make a post about some good reads I’ve discovered). My boyfriend got laid off from his job, only to find a new job that pays better and offers better opportunities in the big picture. I will be graduating this May with associates in Creative Writing. I figured out my next step career-wise and academic-wise. I have reached a state of equilibrium that resembles a spicy soup with its main ingredients being chaos and hope.

I have a confession to make… I don’t know what it truly means to be a blogger or how to run a “proper blog”. Although, I vow to post more often about things that I feel are important and worth sharing.

Thank you for following!


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